When to come to the Highlands?
Most visitors come to the Highlands during the summer months – June to September. During this period the days are longer, and the weather is at its kindest. Wildlife and tourism is in full swing! This is Highland Games season, with gatherings and parades in different locations.
But don’t discount the Highlands for the rest of the year. On the right day, the area can be stunning at any time of year. A walk along an empty beach in crisp winter sunlight can be a truly fabulous and uplifting experience – even if you do need a hat, gloves and scarf!
Check out our blog for photos of the Highlands – summer and winter.
What’s above is ‘usual’ – it’s usually warmer in the summer, it’s usually drier – but in the Highlands, or anywhere in Scotland, nothing can be guaranteed. The weather doesn’t always follow the rule book!
This is one reason why flexibility can be a benefit. Scotland’s position and geography mean that the weather can be very different on the east and west coast – even if only 50 or 60 miles apart. With a bad forecast, it might be a good idea to substitute a planned trip to the west for something in the east? We’re absolutely able to accommodate such changes of plan, right up to the last minute, and can always offer something interesting to see.
As always, please get in touch and ask!